The Yucca Valley median list price of $460,000 and median days-on-market of 8 days shows a ratio of 49.7% over list price, and -9.9% growth in market sales since the begininning of 2022. Joshua Tree sits at a median list price of $534,950, 7 median days-on-market and 46.6% over list price, showing a 2.3% growth in sales in 2022 so far. Twentynine Palms sits at the top of the list for growth in 2022, with a median list price of $302,000 and median days-on-market of 13, 40.4% over list price and a stagger 34.4% growth in sales over the first four months of 2022. Detailed reports are below.
Buyer's Guides:
Market Reports:
San Bernardino County Listing Inventory Report can be downloaded here.