MLS Committee
The MLS Committee meets to address concerns of members regarding the use and continued functionality of the subscribed MLS. Suggestions and concerns are voted upon by committee members, to be approved and finalized by the Board of Directors. Major suggestions regarding functionality, if approved, will be submitted to the appropriate committees at the MLS level.
LCRC Trustees
Appointed by the President, these trustees sign agreements with C.A.R. and are charged with interviewing and approving monetary donations to local candidates from the association’s Local Candidate Recommendation Committee fund, which is held by C.A.R.
Legislative Committee
The legislative committee is charged with meeting to discuss local government, legislation and government issues that will impact the business of members and the course of the association. Positions and discussions should be limited to these issues which directly involve or indirectly impact the real estate industry and the business of the membership and/or longevity of the organization.
Education Committee
The education committee is responsible for brainstorming and implementing educational opportunities for members, and if budgeted, the education committee is invested in the authority to make expenditure decisions for education without final approval of the BOD.
Public Relations
The public relations committee is charged with public outreach of positions, events, and new policies as requested and deemed necessary by the association.
Strategic/Long Term Planning
The Strategic Planning Committee (which usually meets every three to five years) is to be comprised of current and past leadership, developing a future-looking set of values and goals that work as a roadmap for current and future boards of directors to use in their course of association governance.
The Membership Committee considers and gauges the concerns and opinions of the membership as they pertain to the organization and the services and benefits it provides, as necessary and as applicable to the association’s role.
Budget and Finance Committee:
The budget and finance committee oversees the finances of the organization and monitors the flow of revenue versus expenditures. It meets to brainstorm new non-dues revenue opportunities as well as opportunities to cut expenditures in order to remain on budget and for the creation of future budgets.
Caravan Committee
Caravans are suspended until guidelines for gatherings are changed
The caravan committee is comprised of a member for each geographical region who organizes submissions and arranges property tours of their region as assigned or as necessary, according to JTGAR policy.
Community Outreach Committee
Not a mandated committee by state and national levels of the REALTOR® organization, the community outreach committee is a long-standing JTGAR committee whose goal is to organize a public-outreach event hosted by the association whose proceeds go to a local charity of the committee’s choosing, often times a small local charity who does not have the resources to hold a fundraiser on its own. The committee chooses and arranges all aspects of the event and is charged with securing sponsors, with minimal legwork to be done by the association staff as necessary. The charity committee is invested with the authority to make decisions for the charity event, and these decisions do not go through a BOD approval process.
Grievance Committee
The Grievance committee is the first step in the processing of REALTOR® member disputes and disputes of a REALTOR® member with a member of the public. The Grievance committee is comprised of five trained members (of which three are Brokers) on staggered three-year terms. A tribunal of these members meets to review a filed grievance to discern, if all events described are assumed to be true, if the alleged situation constitutes a violation of the N.A.R Code of Ethics. The Grievance Committee does not make the determination if indeed a violation of ethics has taken place.
Professional Standards Committee
The Professional Standards Committee is comprised of members trained in the pro-standards process who are listed as available panelists for filed disputes that have been deemed valid for hearing by the Grievance Committee. These panelists (at least three) are approved by both sides of the dispute and are responsible for hearing both sides of the dispute before making a determination in the case as per their training. Decisions made the Professional Standards Committee are approved by the Board of Directors without the details of the case, as the purpose is not to re-hear the case a second time. The Board will review the decision of the Professional Standards panel in the event one side requests a review. Following a review that does not send the matter back for a re-hearing, either party may request a rehearing by a new panel.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is comprised of at least three members who make the determination of which board members are finished with their terms, which wish to re-run, which are to be vacant, as well as determine and create a slate of nominees for the executive committee for the coming year, i.e. the roles of President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer and Vice President (if applicable). The Nominating Committee creates a slate of nominees to be approved by the Board of Directors to be sent to the membership for additions by petition.