What is the REALTOR® Party?
California REALTORS® cannot afford to ignore what occurs in the halls of government because Real Estate is one of the most regulated industries at the local, state and federal level. This is why every REALTOR® needs to be counted on Election Day! The REALTOR® Party is a non-partisan approach to moving forward legislation that is of benefit and value to all REALTORS®.
Through your vote, C.A.R.'s ability to protect your business is strengthened. When REALTORS® are engaged in the electoral process, elected officials listen to our concerns.
GET INTO POLITICS OR GET OUT OF BUSINESS: The decisions made by elected officials affect REALTORS®' lives every day; from the taxes we pay, to the roads we drive on, to the schools our children attend. That‘s why it's important to participate in the political process and choose elected officials by exercising your right to vote!
Register to Vote!
Make your voice heard, register to vote today! Permanent absentee is the easiest way to vote: Your ballot arrives by mail and you vote at your convenience. You can conveniently register online right here. The next election will be November 5, 2024.
In California, the deadline to register or re-register to vote for any election is 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the 15th calendar day before that election. If you submit an application after this time, your application will still be processed for future elections.
Upcoming Election Registration Deadlines
Presidential Election: October 21, 2024
Find Your Polling Place:
C.A.R. and N.A.R. recommend registering as a permanent absentee voter, but if you'd prefer to vote in person, or drop your ballot off at a polling place, here is where you can easily look up your designated polling place if you're unsure where to vote or drop off your ballot.
Related Links
Learn more about the REALTOR Party of California
REALTOR® Party of California: We don't tell you who to vote for, we just want you to vote!
All California REALTORS(R) are the REALTOR® Party of California, a committed movement of real estate professionals fighting to keep the dream of homeownership alive in California and throughout the country. We value homeownership, private property rights, free enterprise and a responsive government.
The REALTORS®' vote is critical to ensuring that homeownership is represented at the local level, in Sacramento and Washington DC. Please make exercising that right a priority!
See how elected officials from every level of Government are involved in your business
Local Elected Officials
Land Use Regulations
Zoning & Sign Ordinances
Rent Control
State Elected Officials
Point of Sale Inspections
Transfer & Service Taxes
Disclosures & Liabilities
Federal Elected Officials
Mortgage Interest Deduction
Short Sales/Government REO's
The Future of Mortgage Financing